Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kek Tiramisu With Love..hiks ;p

Hari ni adelah tak buat ape-ape..kind of bosan jugak..tapi bangun takde la rasa masa tu lambat sangat berjalan kan..

Tetibe hari ni terasa nak buat kek tiramisu..sebab hari tu borak2 ngan coki..tanye la kek ape die nak aku try buat..haha..tetibe die kate kek tiramisu..aku pun tak tau mane die tau pasal kek nih..sebab selama ni xde la aku tau die suke makan kek ke ape kan..hehe..aku lak ingat macam susah sangat je wat kek tu..sebelum google aku cakap, alaa..kek tu cam susah jek..tapi aku rasa tak puas ati..sebab ni macam cabaran jugak, aku pun try google..tengok2 resepi paling sonang..jeng jeng jeng..turn out, rupenye tak la sesusah mane hek kek ni..siap boleh beli kek instant lagik..pastu modified jadi kek tiramisu..wakakaka..maka jadinye hasil begini lah ye..tapi coki tak dapat la rasa..huhu..ciann die..

rupe kek aku yang comot momot..hee..masa ni lom masuk peti ais..ingatkan tak jadi sebab aku tengok cheese tu macam cair sket la..aku tak pandai nak pukul whipped cream ngan cheese sampai kembang...huhu..

dalam die..nampak layer tu..yang coklat2 kat tengah tu adelah nescape yang dicurah atas kek instant tersebut..heh heh..mak aku tak caye aku wat sendiri..die ingat aku beli kat kedai..maksudnye jadi la aku wat and sedap..tapi setakat ni baru mak aku je yang rasa..abah n apid tak rasa lagi..huhu..ohh.bile da masuk peti ais, baru rasa die macam sebati and mak aku kate mcm kek eskem lak..weee

btw, resepi aku follow kat link ni..cube la try..super simple..hehe..nicee...ok la..ape pojek next week lak ek..ade cabaran baru tak..hehe..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

di sini merajuk..di sana wat dek..

Tau tak..di sini adelah tensen sebab di sini telah mogok selama satu hari setengah tak menghubungi di sana sebab di sini nak merajuk ngan di sana (sbb yg tak pasti..tetibe jek nak majuk..boleh ;p)..tapiii..sampai petang tadi, di sini tunggu2 lah di sana punye sms ke, or call ke..sampai sudah, di sini akhirnya lah di sana..di sini tanye, di sana kenapa senyap je..rupa2 nye di sana ingat di sini tengah bizi or tengah pegi umah kawen ke kan (tapi tertanye2 jugak mane si gomok ni pegi kan)...sbb tak call tu..huhu..di sana tak tau rupe nye yang di sini merajuk..di sini dah sedih2 sampai tengok cite industan pun leh nak nanges2 tau...huhu..tapi kene tahan jek sebab nak pertahankan mogok punye pasal..tapi di sana boleh wat dek je..pastu bile di sini bengang2, di sana boleh gelak2..macam saje jek nak sakitkan ati di sini..huwaaa...di sana x sentimental langsung lah..mencik..

ok daa..hehe..

p/s: ada ubi, ada batas, ada masa boleh ku balas..heh heh..jeng jeng jeng..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tote Bag VS

cuci2 mata tengok barang2 yang dijual di FB..terpegun dengan tote bag nih..but..the price?..huhu..leleh air liuq je la yer..omg..lawanyeeee...besday saya lg 4 bulan..ade sesape nak adiahkan ni tak..hee..saya suke tote bag..nnt boleh saya letak bantal busuk saya dalam tu bile nak gi indon Mei those interested refer to this page okeh..


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


semalam borak2 ngan coki...ngadu2 much aku sukeee sangat nak keje jadi PTD (pegawai tadbir diplomatik) ngan goverment..tapi tak layak..isk2..pastu aku wat suare cedih2..sian kan..kite nak die tapi die tolak kite mentah2..camtu lah..mencikk..suddenly, coki kate, amek lah master..then aku terpikir..betul jugak kan..amek master yang senang2 pastu dapat result best sket..pastu apply lagi keje gomen..huhu..tapiii..memikirkan nak masuk belajar balik?..aduhh..macam takkk jee..ari tu aku nak abeskan degree pun macam semput2..sampai aku macam fobia lah nak stadi..haha..boleh..

maka jadik nye..balik la aku keje jadi engineer which is cita2 aku yang utama satu masa dulu..tapi aku mcm dapat membayangkan mcm mane endingnye nanti..aku tak paham nape org boleh nak megah2 bile cite anak die jadi engineer..padahal, ape sgt la keje engineer ni..kecuali die keje top management ke kan..mmg la time belaja tu susah..kire macam bile kite pass tu, mcm wahh terernye aku..haha..tapi dalam job hunting, engineer ni antara yang susah nak dpt keje aku je rasa cmtu..hmm..kalo aku ade anak, aku tak galakkan kot die jd engineer..haha..mungkin aku nak suh die jadi chef ke, or marketing ke..mcm sapid..or ekonomi ke..nnt senang die nak masuk keje PTD..mak xdapat jd PTD, anak jadi pun ok lah...hehe..okeh aku berangan..ntah bile2 la tuh :p

ok la..tu aje..chow

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Baked Meatball Cheese

asik wat entry melawa je kan, ari ni aku wat entry masak2 ek..hee

Tadi, aku rasa lapa gile..pastu nak kua macam, asik makan kat lua je..rasa macam looser la..duit pun takdo ni, bukak peti ais tadi, nampak lah ade meatball frozen tu, tetibe ade lak cheese mozarella yang mak aku beli lama dah..sebab die nak suh aku wat roti tuna baked yang penah aku wat dulu..heh heh..aku baked2 n cheese nye makanan memang la aku terer kan ;p..

so, tengol bahan2 tu, tingg..dapat idea..nak wat lasagna, mcm leceh kan..nak letak keping2 lasagna, aku decide wat baked meatball je la..alaa yang macam kat pizza hut tuuu..bukan susah sangat nak buat..eceh..

bahan2 aku guna adelah, cheese mozarella, meatball forzen, sos spageti original kimball, tomato puree (saje aku nak lebeh rasa tomato), bawang besar yang kuning tu, dan aku saje letak daun ketumbar..

caranye, goreng la meatball dulu, pastu tumis bahan2 bawang, sos..dan segala mak nenek mcm wat sos spageti tuu..pastu letak dalam corning ware/baked nye mangkuk tu..dan taburkan ngan mozarella cheese yang telah aku, panaskan dalam oven, td aku baca kat tenet die nye suhu lam 190deg..masa die tak cakap..aku main agak2 je..tgk dah kuning2 tu, angkat je la, here the result..

tengah tunggu die masak..heh heh..oven baruu 1st time aku dapat free sbb cabutan bertuah ari tu..remember..klik sini

kejap je hasil..sedapppp...nyum nyum..jadi la kirenye..hee

ok lah itu aje..bye bye..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

ukur baju di badan sendiri..


kata pepatah..ukurlah baju di badan sendiri...maksud die..pakai baju ikut saiz sesuai ngan badan sndiri..haha..okeh2..sebenanye tujuan utama nak cite ni adalah..masalah aku nak cari baju yang saiz sesuai la..

sejak dari kecik, aku mmg ade masalah ni..kalau dulu2, badan aku mmg besar dibandingkan dengan rakan2 sebaya..mmg payah nak cari saiz besar..melainkan pakai t-shirt biasa je..tu pun, mmg stok2 brand BUM tuh..ohh, tu zaman remaja lah kan..zaman remaja kan selalu nye zaman nak melawa aku tengok aje lah..sbb setakat mane je pun nak melawaa..dah baju susah nak cari time tu..booo,...

Tapi kan, korang perasan tak..zaman sekarang ni, lagi senang pulak nak cari baju besar2 yang trendy and lawa berbanding baju yang saiz kecik2 ni..huhu..pulakkkkk...ade kah aku mmg ditakdirkan untuk sentiasa ketinggalan zaman?..huhu..

contohnye macam tadi lah..pegi jalan2 kat ampang point..masuk kat reject shop..dulu2 tu la pun kedai kegemaran aku..sebab baju2 die mmg macam2..pastu bnyk jugak saiz besar2...hee..ok balik ke cerita, banyak jugak la aku try baju tadi..macam lawa2 lak..sekarang ni, aku suke jenis baju blouse yang labuh2, kain cotton..not too thight n not too loose..bnyk jugak choice tadi..tapi, tulah kan..saizzz lah masalah sket..huhu..aku kalau blause2 selalu saiz s/m tadi bnyk yg m ke atas..dan m kat situ mmg seb baik ade lah..dapat la beli..murah giteww..

mmg susah la kan..especially kalo aku nak cari baju kurung ready made..adoiii..semua saiz m tu mcm tak padan je la..besar sket..hee..nak gemuk kan badan sket lagi, rasa sayang..sebab aku duk pikir, penat2 tau lebih 5 tahun nak kurus cam ni..penattt gile..syg la pulak nak naik..haha..whatever ;p ..

ok lah tu je aku nak cite...skrg nak tuka imej lah..nak masuk 30an ni, saya nak tuka imej jadi macam sopistikated sket..haha..mcm ala2 siti nuhalija or mane2 pembaca berita tv tuh..kelaka tak..lalala..

eh, korang perasan tak, perempuan zaman sekarang kan, makin usia meningkat, die macam makin lawa lah..ape rahsia dorg the way..skrg sedang mempertingkat kan lagi penjagaan wajah dengan menambah produk penjagaan muka..saya sekarang sudah ade serum, toner, krim mata, night moisturiser, day moisturiser, dan macam2..huhu..tu pun penat okeh..nak tido mcm2 kene pakai..tapi ade lah perlu untuk jangka masa panjang kata kau ;p..semua produk adalah dari Safi Rania..jenama yang aku percayai sejak zaman universiti lagik..hee..


p/s: perempuan dan kecantikan tidak dapat dipisahkan..tapi biarlah bersederhana..ngee

Thursday, February 17, 2011

jeopardize myself..

since i am unmarried..i can always jeopardize myself to take new challenge..whether it will works or not..i don't even know..but how about when i settle down, how will be the situation i going to succeed with my future life?..or vise versa..pray for me ya..hee..thanks :)..i always excited to see what will happen in my next chapter of life :D, just follow the flow..there is many more years to go..hope don't fall to the deepest hole..afraid yet surprising..

i always realize that Allah is fair...nobody have complete package in is always a challenged..if you think other person is better than you, try to see what he doesn't have but you have..even the king doesn't always happy though he have everything in the world easily..think about that and you will always feel grateful..

hmm..talking about this because i got new job offer thats makes me feel doubt a lil bit..but, im sure it was destined like that for me..if not it will not come for the first place isn't it? again, i don't want to swim against the river flow..coz it will be harder and i don't sure that i can reach to the river bank..haha..maybe this is the stepping stone for me to move i am in my comfort zone for quite long time..and my skill is getting faded..heh..its time to polish it again.. hard, because i love my current job so much but its will bring me nowhere..haishh..if only government sector is not so tough to hire someone like me..i am good what..i can do every task they give..but just because my grade is low, i was disqualified just like that..huhu..pity me..i am nobody in government..but, i already perform in government services..and i hope i gave something to this country..i love my country so much..hee..those who always condemn the government, whose manage this country for so long..and gave so much to the country, please think, what is your contribution to make your country better..if you got new idea, speak up..we are democratic country..every voice is listened..thats how its works by the way..

to the government servant, please be honest and loyal with your work..especially those who work in higher level..because your services is the mirror to our government..don't blame the government if you yourself corrupt..think about other serve for your don't know how much you will be reward from god..hmm

so, with bismillahirrahmanirrahim, i now resign my current job..and will start new on 1st march..hope it going well..i have so much debt to be settle before i closed my eyes..hee..takutnyeee...

wish me luck okeh :D ..chaiyuk2x...

p/s: lepas ni, mungkin akan ade komplen2 pasal keje baru lak..hahaha..well, biase la ;p, pening tak korg baca entry BI aku..lalala..saye budak baru belaja..kalo salah tolong betulkan..wekkk..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pengalaman menjadi pengapit ;p

hee..kelaka tak..
okeh, actually ni lah 1st time dalam hidup aku menjadi pengapit..mcm bengong pun ade gak aku nih..sbb aku neves..neves sebab ramai sgt org amek gamba..pastu tak pasal2 aku pun terperasan kene masuk lam gamba sekali..ngee..terpaksa kontrol2..perasan kan ;p..ntah2 tak masuk pun..haha..

okeh cerita nye begini..pada hari jumaat tuh..sebagaimana yg kawan2 ku tahu, aku telah mengambil cuti ye..sanggup..semata2 sebab nak pegi tgk yati tawen..bukan senang tau nak tgk bff lak yg last bff..sbb yg lain2 tu sume da settle..memula mmg time aku apply cuti tu, bos tak approve sebab that day ade meeting bahagian la pulak..but then, demi yati..eceh (takpe, lets call that day is yati's day :p)...aku redah bilik bos jugak..bagi sebab kenapa aku mesti cuti..haha..ok, part ni mmg kelaka..sebabnye, aku terpaksa cakap, aku kene jadi pengapit 'sepupu' aku..huhu..seb baik dapat tau..itu pun lepas tu asik laaa kene bahan..dorg asik panggil aku pengapit je..wakakaka..malewww den..

perjalanan aku ke melaka hari jumaat tu mcm lame..pulak tu aku singgah spital semban jap..huhu..tu pun masuk lam agenda sebenanye..ngee..mmg plan baikkk dah..sbb tu jugak aku nakk cuti jugak2..kerinduan sudah..laallalala..

ok back to story...sampai melaka lps org abes smyg jumaat kot..pastu tengok2 tak la ramai sangat org..ade ipar2 dak yati je..sempat la aku tolong die wat hantaran..haha..menyelitt je aku ni kan ;p..well, korg cmpak la aku kemana aje..mesti aku akan hidup punye..ngee..walopun sensorg..isk2..siaannn..

hantaran yati kpd suaminye..ngee..aku tolong gulung2 n cucuk2 sirih junjung tu..lenkali leh wat sdiri la ye..x susah rupenye..

dalam kul 4 lebeh petang kot..yati pun wat acara tuka2 baju..masa tu belum nikah lagi lah..just die salin2 baju tu, ade dalam 3 baju die tukaq..aku pun tolong2 gak die menyalin baju..haha..

antara baju die tuka..yg lain2 aku xsempat nak amek gamba..hee..

acara menikah diadakan sebelah malam...dalam lepas magrib tu mula la ramai org datang dah..aku duk tengok yati mekap2 je..kejap2 kang aku kua bilik..jap2 kang aku masuk bilik..tu je la aku wat..haha..sbb nye aku xde geng wat2 selambee je..dah duk umah org..kene la belaja2 sesuaikan diri hek..

masa dinikahkan...siap wat live telecast tuu..kat lua dorg pasang, sape duk lua, leh nampak la dorg menikah dalam umah ni..canggih tak..

lepas nikah..dorg begamba kejap..pastu dorg ade agenda lain lak..tuka baju lagiii..weeee..

ni masa nak bersanding pakai baju tradisi melaka...mmg tradisi org melaka eh pasang mercn2..meriahh..aku nak amek gamba pun mcm susah2 sbnanye..sbb sebelah pegang kamera, sebelah pegang payung..pastu payung kene tinggi sbb sanggul lintang nye tinggi, smpai tersangkut2 la kat kepala yati tu..haha..yang kelaka nye, aku kan jenis jalan lajuuu je kan..pastu jd pengapit, kene la jalan slow..ade gak pengantin tetinggal kat belakang..haha..yang malunye, kitorg berdua je jalan menuju ke pengantin lelaki..pastu ade org2 amek gamba and video..huwaa..ntah cmne la rupe muke aku nnt..adeh..nmpak gigi je kot..sbb aku banyak sengih..hahaha..

see, ni gara2 tangan tak cukup..dpt gamba kaki jek..ngee

sebelah malam tu, dorg sanding pun dah dalam kul 10 lebeh..siap ade blackout beberapa minit lagi..agaknye elektrik pun terkejut tgk yati kawen..haha..nicee...seb baik famili die keje TNB, pandai la dorg repair..banyak sgt kot elektrik kene pakai..habis majlis ni pun dalam kul 12 lebeh..oohh malam tu aku tido ngan yati kat bilik pengantin y'all..jgn kat bawah la kan..sebelum tdo borak2 dulu sampai la kul 3 kot baru aku tidoq..alkefenatan lah..

pada keesokan harinya, aku bangun kul 7 lebeh rasanye..sebab dgr yati sok sek sok sek..sensema..terus bangun lah..pastu cepat2 mandi..takut nanti ramai orang lak..malu nak mandi2 bagai..pastu tolong-tolong sket..cucuk2 bunga pahar..sampai tgahari siap2 lak smbil yati mekap, aku pun mekap sama..tapi sendiri mekap lah kan..over tak..ngee..dan acara sanding pun bermula..tapi....

baru aku perasan aku tak amek gamba pengantin dalam kamera lah gamba terakhir aku amek..tu pun sebelum die baju die mmg cunn..kawan2 yang dtg dah tengok la kan..yang belum tu, tunggu la yati publish gamba sendiri..heh heh

ohh..yang best lagi, aku dapat jumpe geng2 aku jugak..olin and linsha..hee..sempat la borak2 ngan dorg...best2..lama tak jumpe..

kesimpulannye, best jugak hek jadi kan palig best sebab sampai tua pun mesti yati ingat aku jadi pengapit die masa die kawen..sbb tu hari sejarah die..dan aku pun terlibat..pastu, aku berpeluang rasa kenduri cara gotong royong cenggitu..sebelum ni aku tak penah pun join secara langsung cmtu..tolong2 camtu..just tengok dari jauh je..rasa cam famili pn ade..nicee..

ok lah..itu aje cite nye..panjang lak entry nih..hehe..tapi kalau takde post ape2 cam boring lak kan blog ni..njoy reading..daa

Monday, February 14, 2011

Makan IceCream..besarrr punyeee...mangkuk..hee

Semalam adelah bosan2..lalu mak pak aku pun ngajak la kuar makan..dorg yg nak makan, memula tu kitorg pegi area pasar kat pandan tu..mak pak aku nak makan nasik..lepas tu, pegi ke agenda seterusnyee..iaitu, aku nak makan eskemmmm....yeahhhh..!!..

hari tu mak aku baru dapat tau pasal francais aiskrim ni..nama nye Art's Cream Gallery yang terletak kat tingkat 6-Pavillion..sepupu die lah yang bagitau..katenye kalau nak bukak francais, yang latest ni belum banyak lagi..and modal tak banyak, suggest kitorg try dulu makan eskem tu..tgk sedap ke tak..maka, kitorg pegi la tgk n merasa..heh heh

maka kami berempat (termasuk eli) telah sepakat untuk order satu mangkuk besar yang sepatutnye boleh makan lam 10 org kott..tapi harga die affordable lah..besar tu baru RM28.50 kalau tak silap then ade 12 perasa boleh amek...besar gile okeh..kitorg makna pun tak unik la kan..mcm aku tak penah lg tengok org makan eskem cara tu kat memane lagi..heh bagus ni kalau saje2 nak melepak kan, borak2..sambil masing2 tangan ceduk eskem makan2..hee..jom korang..tapi kene ramai2 lah :p..kalau setakat 2 orang tu, mampuih rasa macam kat eskimo kesejukan kang..gengren lak kang..huhaha

ok lah, korg cube tgk gamba di bawah ni..

besar kan mangkuk tu ;p

rasaa eskem tu, best jugak..not produk italy dan dijamin halal..go to this website for more info..

ok y'all..tu aje lah yer..

aku sbnanye kepingin mau update pasal yati kawen ari tu..malangnye, aku nye gamba sikit gile wokeh..nak tunggu yati lah upload..huhu..tu la malangnye jadi pengapit..sbb tak boleh nak amek gamba sgt..haha..btw, mmg best gile lah mejlis yati..meriah ko..kesimpulannye, jadi pengapit susah gak ek...sbb kene jalan slow2..tetibe ;p..daaa

Thursday, February 10, 2011


tadi, masa aku duk google2 pasal healthy food, aku termasuk lah dalam website baca2 lah mcm2 tajuk kan..antaranya tajuk Healthy Drinks: Best and Worst Drinks for Your Body saje je baca2 kan..sekali macam tertarik pulak bile die compare camni:

WORST: A giant fruit smoothie

Yes fruit is good for you, but this is serious overkill. A 32-ounce blend can pack as many as 700 calories with fewer than 2 grams of protein thanks to the high sugar content. That's like eating a whole pineapple, entire mango and 1 cup each of blueberries and strawberries in a single sitting. Why that's bad: Calories from any food get socked away in your fat cells if you eat more than you can burn.

BEST: Kefir

For far fewer calories—about 120 per cup and a healthy balance of carbs, protein and fat—pour yourself a cup of kefir. In addition to the 10 grams of satiating protein and 5 grams of filling fiber, kefir contains friendly probiotic bacteria—about 10 different strains compared to 2-3 in yogurt. These good bugs have been shown to help improve digestive health, boost immunity and control body weight. And animal studies have shown that kefir is a potent cancer-fighting food.

aku pun curious lah kan..what is kefir...macam tak penah dengar je minuman ni kat mesia..korang penah tak..penah minum ke..mcm susu ke rasa die..or macam air yogurd, aku pun meneruskan lagi google kan..dah die kate bagus kan minuman here what i get..

What’s Kefir?

Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your “inner ecosystem.” More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins.

  • Kefir is simple and inexpensive to make at home.
  • Kefir is used to restore the inner eco-system after antibiotic therapy.
  • Kefir can be made into a delicious smoothie that kids love.
  • Kefir is excellent nourishment for pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, and those with compromised immunity.

What if I’m lactose intolerant, and don’t do dairy? Or don’t digest milk products well? Is kefir right for me?
The beneficial yeast and friendly bacteria in the kefir culture consume most of the lactose (or milk sugar). Eat kefir on an empty stomach first thing in the morning before (or for) breakfast and you’ll be delighted to find it can be easily digested — as numerous people who have been lactose intolerant for years have discovered.

dan kenapa die kate kefir lebih baik dari yogurt..

Both kefir and yogurt are cultured milk products…

…but they contain different types of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt contains transient beneficial bacteria that keep the digestive system clean and provide food for the friendly bacteria that reside there. But kefir can actually colonize the intestinal tract, a feat that yogurt cannot match.

Kefir contains several major strains of friendly bacteria not commonly found in yogurt, Lactobacillus Caucasus, Leuconostoc, Acetobacter species, and Streptococcus species.

It also contains beneficial yeasts, such as Saccharomyces kefir and Torula kefir, which dominate, control and eliminate destructive pathogenic yeasts in the body. They do so by penetrating the mucosal lining where unhealthy yeast and bacteria reside, forming a virtual SWAT team that housecleans and strengthens the intestines. Hence, the body becomes more efficient in resisting such pathogens as E. coli and intestinal parasites.

Kefir’s active yeast and bacteria provide more nutritive value than yogurt by helping digest the foods that you eat and by keeping the colon environment clean and healthy. Because the curd size of kefir is smaller than yogurt, it is also easier to digest, which makes it a particularly excellent, nutritious food for babies, the elderly and people experiencing chronic fatigue and digestive disorders.

Body Ecology Kefir Starter contains the following beneficial bacteria:

  • Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
  • Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
  • Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis
  • Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris
  • Lactobacillus kefyr (thermophilic)
  • Klyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus
  • Saccaromyces unisporus
  • Dextrose as a carrier (consumed during fermentation)

Contains 6 packets which can be used an average of 7 times each. 1/4 cup of previous batch will ferment 1 quart of liquid. 1 cup will make one gallon, and so on. For prolonged shelf life, keep refrigerated before using.

begitulah yer pembelajaran untuk hari ni..persoalannya..ade ke minuman kefir kat mesia nih ek..mane nak dapat...hee..saje nak try..

ok lah..akhir kate, makan untuk hidup, bukan hidup untuk makan...wakakaka...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011



Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
doo, doot doot dooo.
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
doo, doot dooo

I'm afraid of the dark,
'specially when I'm in a park
And there's no-one else around,

Ooh, I get the shivers
I don't want to see a ghost,
It's a sight that I fear most
I'd rather have a piece of toast
And watch the evening news
(Repeat Chorus)

I'm a superstitious girl,
I'm the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders,
I keep a rabbit's tail

I'll take you up on a dare,
Anytime, anywhere
Name the place, I'll be there,
Bungee jumping, I don't care!
(Repeat Chorus)

life, doo, doot dooo
doo, doot dooo

So after all is said and done
I know I'm not the only one
Life indeed can be fun, if you really want to

Sometimes living out your dreams,
Ain't as easy as it seems
You wanna fly around the world,
In a beautiful balloon
(Repeat Chorus)

tetibe perasaan mau nyanyi lagu ni..hehe..hari ni rasa macam bes sket..ade berita baru..tapi once confirm dan surat ade depan mata, baru aku leh cite kan..sbb kadang2 kite diberi harapan..tetibe ditarik balik sbb kite terlalu konpiden..Allah Knows Best :D

Tapi aku rasa happyy..semangat datang semula..not really alone..ade pendorong (u know who u are :p)..disayangi..takde la rasa dunia ni tak adil..yang pasti aku terima je la apo yang ado..lalala..

tapi.....again..jangan happy2 sangat..sebab nikmat boleh ditarik sekelip mata aje...takuttt..

wokeh la..tu aje..selamat petang..

p/s: semalam..talking 2 hours on the phone seems never enough..haha..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

randomness ;p

  • semalam tido dengan perasaan yang tak puas tido..sebab rasa macam gamba kat bawah ni..tensennyee..terjaga pun awal sangat dan lepas tu boleh pulak dengar org belakang umah nyanyi2 masa lelaki..kuat lak tu suara die diiringi bunyi bushh bushhh..bunyi air yg dicurah guna gayung....tetibe rasa macam nak gelak..pepagi buta berkaroke dalm jamban okeyy..hahaha...pastu disertai bunyi org masak2 dlm kul 5 pagi tu..adeh..mcm2

  • kali terakhir aku makan adelah semalam iaitu pukul (masa aku mula2 type tadi ni) dah pukul 10..huhu..xsempat nak makan..janji ngan membe opis nak bekfes ngan die..tapi drag sampai kul 12 lebeh..kesian lak kawan tu tunggu2..dah la kedingg je aku tengok die..ngee..tapi now (masa aku smbung menaip ni) dah kul 2.45ptg..dah pun selamat lunch..makan nasik+ikan semilang sambal..cedappp..

  • lepas makan tengahari, sempat jalan2 ke lorong belakang jalan tar, teman member tadi beli tudung..sempat jugak aku jenjalan ek..lalala..coci mata lah..sambil tu bakar kalori sbb makan nasik..smpai skrg aku kekenyangan nih..tapi mcm teringin mau minum air sejuk lah..tak pun eskem..abaaang nak eskem tetibe :p

  • hari ni aku memakai baju merah, beg merah, seb baik tudung itam..again..merahh..mau muntah dah le tgk kale nih..pitamss acik..nak tuka kaler tapi tak boleh sbb mmg collection bnyk merah..n baju ade lah rotate2 sbb tak begitu banyak..baju kurung lah pulak kan..

  • ni kire 1st time aku try eyeshadow kale coklat..nice jugak hek..selama ni aku pikir eyeshadow kale coklat ni mcm x nmpak ni nmpak simple la..gud2..thanks to my dearie opismate sbb die bg adiah..sbb die baru balik london y'all..katenye kosmetik kat sane murah2..yeke..wahh..besnye..btw, eyeshadow die bg ni pun bukan koman2 nye..brand mac lak tu..huhu..kalo kat sini mahal kot..ntah..x wajib usul..hehe..sbb aku baru2 pun ni baru je membeli beberapa kaler baru tuk eyeshadow..brand elianto..haa..yg tu mmg bebetul murah..dan boleh beli dlm bentuk refil tu..baguss ya..

  • malam karang ade mengaji..speaking about that..setelah beberapa kali masuk kelas, aku mendapati, mengaji tak lah semudah yang disangka..yerr..banyak mende kite kene tau..contohnye huruf alif..bagaimana mahkrajnya, ape hukum2 die, sifat2 huruf tu..dan tau tak alif tu sbnanye hamzah dan hamzah ade lg pecahan2 nye..antaranya yg aku ingat hamzah fatha' (xtau nak spell cmne) dah kire mcm belaja kat universiti dah nih..huhu..dan aku adelah belaja bermula dari iqra' dan hukum tajwid belum lg stat belaja..ngee..mcm2 dah nak kene ingat ni..

  • coklat hitam adelah sedapppp..haha..tetibe :p

  • eh, tahun ni kan, ramai pulak kawan2 aku yang kawen..mcm pelik..sbb straight dari bulan 12 sampai bulan 3 mmg full dah agenda membe kawen2 ni..dan minggu ni juga adelah minggu terakhir my bff menjalani kehidupan sebagai org bujang..die akan menikah..akhirnyaaaa..haha..jumaat ni moh la kite ke melaka yer..aku pun siap amek cuti sehari sempena dak melaka tu nak, tetibe aku lak happy..haha..gilo ;p..congratulation mek :D..

  • ape lagi ek nak tulis sini..hee..saja wat stail point2..tiru Dr.M nye stail..ngee..gediks..

  • ok lah..tu je..c ya..tata..miss my bucukkk...

Monday, February 7, 2011


mood adelah mendung..mungkin sebab hormon..haha..watever ;p..tapi cuaca ari ni adelah sangat baikkk...cerah aje..ok la..g main2 kat lua eh..berjemur sket sementara xde UV sangat nih..tgk matahari..hee..daa

Sunday, February 6, 2011

do nothing..

its not like usual nite we spend together on the phone..i felt so silent while you are there not feeling well..i only hope that i can be with you, and help you are always keep me accompany when i want to sleep..i miss you already..i hope you are doing fine there..i am sorry coz not there for you and doing nothing..only my pray is always be with you..wondering how are you there..hmm..what a silent nite today :( ..hope you feel better tomorrow..

p/s: feeling so useless..
Daisypath Anniversary tickers