rupa2 nye bes jugak eh g spa ni..selama ni berangan je nak g..yela kan, kos die n time pun cm agak kureng gitu..heh..
here is the map to the spa Cinta Sari..

to know more, click je la kat website link tu eh..okey, die punya treatment mmg best, all the workers, very friendly..and i think the price is affordable jugak..sometimes die ada buat promotion..just tanye je kat kaunter tu..hee..actually pun td aku walk in je kat situ, x buat appointment pun..mula2 die kate full, but then tetiba ade customer cancel for last, aku pun try la..besstt sgt..ade la dlm 3 jam aku duk lam tu..
environment die mmg nice..with baliness concept, mcm rase kat bali la..haha..poyo je..pastu ape eh..ahh korang g je la try..hee..sbnanye aku mmg minat gler ngan mende2 tuk kecantikan ni..especially bab2 treatment la..aku pun xtau nape..huhu..mental sungguh la kawe ;p
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