Aku dah dapat merasakan bahang kesebukkan nye..huwaaa. Plus, my fren who helping me this few weeks (from i start las week) dah mau keluar dari sini (resign)..and i will proceed her task all alone..by myself..without knowing what the hell i'm trying to do..haha..but so far, the learning process is going on smoothly..i'm like a spunge..a new spunge that can absorb the liquid very well..ngee..
aku adelah tukang paip..tp upgrade sket sbb aku x pasang paip cuma kire stress kat paip..hahaha..tengok..paip pun org concern smpai nak kirekan stress bagai..aku? ade tak org mau kirekan aku nye stress..ade?..ha?..ade..lalala

can u imagine..to deal with this kind of pipe route drawing..smpai kecik2 mata aku nak tgknye..i likee..
hahaha...tu ko lum lg tgk pipe ni kat plant....bapak panjang dr darat smpai la ke laut....
huhu..tau takpe..ni dorg wat pojek ABF..kat bintulu..tgk GA mcm pening gilee..
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